Start dependency injection demo


We will develop a project with the following topology, in this example, we can demonstrate code generation, interface injection, object pointer injection, and API access to objects capabilities.


All the code the user needs to write: main.go

package main

import (

// +ioc:autowire=true
// +ioc:autowire:type=singleton

type App struct {
	ServiceImpl1 Service `singleton:"ServiceImpl1"` // inject Service 's ServiceImpl1 implementation
	ServiceImpl2 Service `singleton:"ServiceImpl2"` // inject Service 's ServiceImpl2 implementation
	ServiceStruct *ServiceStruct `singleton:"ServiceStruct"` // inject ServiceStruct struct pointer

func (a*App) Run(){

type Service interface{

// +ioc:autowire=true
// +ioc:autowire:type=singleton
// +ioc:autowire:interface=Service

type ServiceImpl1 struct {


func (s *ServiceImpl1) Hello(){
	fmt.Println("This is ServiceImpl1, hello world")

// +ioc:autowire=true
// +ioc:autowire:type=singleton
// +ioc:autowire:interface=Service

type ServiceImpl2 struct {


func (s *ServiceImpl2) Hello(){
	fmt.Println("This is ServiceImpl2, hello world")

// +ioc:autowire=true
// +ioc:autowire:type=singleton

type ServiceStruct struct {


func (s *ServiceStruct) Hello(){
	fmt.Println("This is ServiceStruct, hello world")

func main(){
	// start
	if err := ioc.Load(); err != nil{

	// App-App is the format of: '$(interfaceName)-$(implementationStructName)'
	// We can get instance by ths id
	appInterface, err := singleton.GetImpl("App-App")
	if err != nil{
	app := appInterface.(*App)

After writing, you can exec the following cli command. (mac may require sudo due to permissions)

sudo ioc-go-cli gen

It will be generated in the current directory: zz_generated.ioc.go, developers do not need to care about this file, this file contains the description information of all interfaces,

//go:build !ignore_autogenerated
// +build !ignore_autogenerated

// Code generated by ioc-go-cli

package main

import (

func init() {
		Interface: &App{},
		Factory: func() interface{} {
			return &App{}
		Interface: new(Service),
		Factory: func() interface{} {
			return &ServiceImpl1{}
		Interface: new(Service),
		Factory: func() interface{} {
			return &ServiceImpl2{}
		Interface: &ServiceStruct{},
		Factory: func() interface{} {
			return &ServiceStruct{}

initialize go mod


% go mod tidy
% tree
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
└── zz_generated.ioc.go

execute program:

go run .

Console printout:

  ___    ___     ____            ____           _                         
 |_ _|  / _ \   / ___|          / ___|   ___   | |   __ _   _ __     __ _ 
  | |  | | | | | |      _____  | |  _   / _ \  | |  / _` | | '_ \   / _` |
  | |  | |_| | | |___  |_____| | |_| | | (_) | | | | (_| | | | | | | (_| |
 |___|  \___/   \____|          \____|  \___/  |_|  \__,_| |_| |_|  \__, |
Welcome to use ioc-golang!
[Boot] Start to load ioc-golang config
[Config] Load config file from ../conf/ioc_golang.yaml
Load ioc_golang config file failed. open ../conf/ioc_golang.yaml: no such file or directory
The load procedure is continue
[Boot] Start to load debug
[Debug] Debug mod is not enabled
[Boot] Start to load autowire
[Autowire Type] Found registered autowire type singleton
[Autowire Struct Descriptor] Found type singleton registered SD App-App
[Autowire Struct Descriptor] Found type singleton registered SD Service-ServiceImpl1
[Autowire Struct Descriptor] Found type singleton registered SD Service-ServiceImpl2
[Autowire Struct Descriptor] Found type singleton registered SD ServiceStruct-ServiceStruct
This is ServiceImpl1, hello world
This is ServiceImpl2, hello world
This is ServiceStruct, hello world

It shows that the injection is successful and the program runs normally.

Annotation Analysis

// +ioc:autowire=true
The code generation tool recognizes objects marked with the +ioc:autowire=true annotation

// +ioc:autowire:type=singleton
The marker injection model is the singleton singleton model, as well as the normal multi-instance model, the config configuration model, the grpc grpc client model and other extensions.

// +ioc:autowire:interface=Service
Markers implement the interface Service and can be injected into objects of type Service .


More code generation annotations can be viewed at ioc-golang-cli.

You can go to ioc-golang-example for more examples and advanced usage.


IOC-Golang developed by Alibaba and licensed under the Apache License (Version 2.0). See the NOTICE file for more information.

Last modified May 19, 2022: Fix: update docs (75dddd7)